What is a

Rhythm of Life?

A rhythm of life, also known as a rule of life, is a set of spiritual rhythms (patterns, disciplines, practices) that prioritize the way of life of Jesus. This concept is taken from a Latin word meaning “trellis”, (John 15:1-17) and is a way to align and form your daily life around Jesus. Through this learned ancient rhythm, discipleship emerges enabling us to consistently…


Be With Jesus

Become More Like Jesus

Do What Jesus Did

According to Jesus the most important and essential thing a follower of Jesus does is: Abide (John 15:1-10).  Our shared “Rhythm of Life” as a faith community encourages and strengthens us mutually to take steps towards abiding and enjoying abundant life in Jesus. All of us have varying levels of experience and knowledge with each rhythm and must begin and take steps right where we are. For some of us, this may seem daunting while others seek the challenge. Sufficient grace is available for all to take steps in each rhythm over time. 

“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” – 2 Corinthians 3:18

Rest assured, as you behold Jesus through these rhythms you will see Him and be transformed. He changes us slowly, gently, and graciously; one degree at a time. This is how the change is both authentic and lasting. 

It’s helpful to keep a rhythm of life with a community, and some of these rhythms can not be kept alone, but require others. This is why we’re inviting and encouraging our whole church to jump in and keep this same rhythm together. We hope and pray it will be like a trellis for our church family’s spiritual worship, formation, and joy to blossom and flourish. 

Learn more about the vision behind our shared “Rhythm of Life” from our Lead Pastor, Mark McGovern.

We’ve provided more information regarding each practice below, and will continue to update this page as we provide additional practices into our rule of life.

What is the

Rhythm of Life

at Experience?

As a church, we have committed ourselves to eight spiritual rhythms to help us abide and become who we are born to be. 




Each of these inward rhythms will help us take steps to connect with and get closer to Jesus.

Inward Rhythms for Receiving

Bible | Prayer | Fasting | Sabbath Rest


As a church family we read the Bible daily through a simple framework to help us learn to hear what God is speaking to us and respond in worship. This approach to reading invites us to:

  1. Find Jesus

    1. The whole Bible points to Jesus. Jesus is concealed in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament. 

    2. We want to lead people in “seeing Jesus” in the daily reading of the scriptures.

  2. Believe the Promises

    1. There are thousands of promises in the Bible and we want to locate them, read them, and set our heart to believe them and receive them everyday in our reading.

    2. “Lord, we set our heart to believe your promise of healing. We receive healing for us and through us today.”

  3. Obey the Instructions

    1. The Bible gifts us with commands that are filled with grace to enable us to obey and live like the free people we now are. We want to stop, read, and set our heart to obey these instructions daily.

    2. “Lord, we set our hearts to encourage one another daily. Help us give the right words to the right people at the right time to encourage them.”

First Step:

Open the Bible daily and read at least one verse. 

Next Step:

Join the “Bible In One Year” reading plan and share insights and ask questions in community with our BIOY daily zoom.


Every time we create space for God He fills it with more of Himself. In prayer, we both speak to God and we hear from Him. He invites us to get close to Him in prayer by sharing our burdens, fears, needs, and desires. 

First Step:

Set aside 5-10 minutes daily for being alone with God in silence – without screens, books, or audio.

Next Step:

Commit to praying in community weekly online or in person at our prayer room. 


Every Wednesday, we fast as a faith community and replace eating with prayer. This rhythm teaches our bodies self control, dependence, and feeds our hunger for more of God. If Wednesday is not good timing for you, feel free to choose another day.

First Step:

Fast one meal, taking that time to pray alone or with others in community

Next Step:

Fast for 24 hours — meaning, eat dinner on Tuesday evening, then break your fast with dinner on Wednesday evening. You can also add to your fast no social media or TV during the fast. 

Sabbath Rest

In a world exhausted with hurry, it is essential that we commit to pausing every week to rest from our work to recharge and be renewed. Resting creates space to grow gratitude, delight, awe and wonder in God. The Sabbath is a gift to be received and celebrated consisting of ceasing, embracing, feasting and resting.  A typical Sabbath starts on Friday evening and ends Saturday evening. If this is not good timing for you, feel free to choose another day.

First Step:

Practice just a Sabbath meal. Rest intentionally during this time, delight in God, and practice gratitude for things in the last week.

Next Step:

Do a 24-hour Sabbath without any work, a Sabbath meal in community, and a private time of devotion and worship screen free. 




Each of these outward rhythms helps us give what we are receiving from Jesus in closer community with others. 

Outward Rhythms for Giving

Community | Serving | Generosity | Confession


We are designed for rich meaningful relationships where trust grows and healthy formation helps us become who we are born to be. In a society riddled by isolation and loneliness it is vital to build intentional community. 

First Step:

Join and be a consistent part of a group. 

Next Step:

Set up a standing call or meet-up with a close friend and Jesus-follower (i.e. a weekly phone call or monthly coffee). Focus on sharing deeply the things you are tempted to keep hidden; supporting one another practically and encouraging one another’s relationship with Jesus.


Our primary identity as sons and daughters is servants. Establishing a rhythm of serving with your gifts will bring fulfillment and keep you grounded in self giving love instead of hollow self serving. We serve best with others in a team environment. 

First Step:

Find a team at church or in the community to serve with at least once per month to build relationships and contribute. 

Next Step:

Lead a group at work, church, or in your neighborhood to partner with a local non profit and serve a community need. 


We are bombarded every day with messages telling us we are not enough and we need to buy and have more in order to be more. These believable lies seek to make us only more empty, greedy, and self focused. The rhythm of consistent generosity with our time and finances grows our freedom and joyful contentment. This practice helps us get in touch with the needs all around us, especially the poor and marginalized, and moves us with compassion to contribute. 

First Step:

Take an honest look and evaluate where your time and money go. Measure how much time and money goes to yourself, God, or others. Begin to put God first by giving time and finance monthly. 

Next Step:

Prayerfully create annual giving goals for weekly, monthly, and yearly contributions of time and money. Consider how God is leading you to contribute at church and with other non profits doing important work in the community. 


It’s so easy for us to run, hide, or cover what is really going on in our lives and where we need help, prayer, and support. It’s been said, we are only as sick as our secrets. Bringing our life issues into the light with others keeps us humble, interdependent and free. Letting others help and serve us creates safety for us to flourish. 

First Step:

Write down one life issue you are tempted to conceal and share it with your group or team leader. 

Next Step:

Practice weekly confession in prayer to God and invite a group of wise people to consistently ask you questions to keep you accountable to transparency. 

One Step

Think about all the steps you have taken to get where you are right now. It could seem overwhelming as you count them, but you took them. The difference between where we are and where God wants us to be is just one step. 

We all have steps to take. We can only take one step at a time and Jesus helps us every step of the way. Commit to taking one step in one of the rhythms. Once that step becomes consistent, ask God to show you the next step to take in another rhythm. Over time, the steps will become more natural and you will gain confidence in the next step God is inviting you to take with Him. 

Resist the temptation to take multiple steps in multiple rhythms at the same time. It is the recipe for frustration and disappointment. No one can grow you better than God. As you trust Him and learn to take steps with Him you will find your rhythm and be well on your way to becoming who you were born to be.